Before committing to the process of permanent makeup or tattoos it's important to know how to prep for your appointment. Precare is extremely crucial to your final results. Making sure your skin is healthy and prepped for the procedure is the highest priority before your session.
For 2 weeks before your appointment:
No tanning/sun exposure
No glycolic acid, AHAs, retinols or Retin-A in the brow/forehead area
No chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser treatments, or microneedling
No Botox
Do not dye/tint your eyebrows
For 1 week before your appointment:
Do not tweeze/wax your brows
No Fish Oil/Vitamin E (natural blood thinners)
For 48 hours before your appointment:
NO alcohol (thins the blood which can lead to bruising or excessive bleeding)
No Aspirin or Ibuprofen (unless you take a daily dose as prescribed by a doctor)
If you have any acne in the brow area, please reschedule
Day of your appointment:
Please do not bring guests/childre
Do not work out before or after your appointment (can cause increased bleeding)
Bring pictures of brows you like and/or how you do your makeup
Say goodbye to your brow troubles!
Preparing your lips before the procedure is SUPER important. Lips that are not well prepared will likely need an extra touch up at your cost. Lips that are dry, flaky, sun-damaged, dehydrated, or in overall poor condition will either not accept the ink or will push it out during the healing process.
*If you have EVER had a cold sore you MUST get an antiviral prescription from your doctor before the procedure. Failure to do so may result in a severe cold sore outbreak which is incredibly painful, can cause scarring, and will likely result in poor healed results*
Please read through the following instructions to prepare for your lip blush appointment
For 4 weeks before your appointment:
No lip filler or botox
For 2 weeks before your appointment:
Begin exfoliating your lips 2-3 times per week with a homemade sugar scrub (white sugar and olive oil/coconut oil/etc/)
Apply a generous amount of Aquaphor after scrubbing
Increase your water intake, internal hydration is very important for the results of your lip blush procedure
No tanning/sun exposure
No glycolic acid, AHAs, retinols or Retin-A in the brow/forehead area
No chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser treatments, or microneedling
48 hours before your appointment:
Drink LOTS of extra water, hydrated lips will be more accepting of the ink and will heal better
NO alcohol (thins the blood which can lead to bruising or excessive bleeding)
Do not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief (these also thin the blood, Tylenol/Acetaminophen is okay as it does not thin the blood)
Exfoliate your lips (use sugar scrub)
If needed: Begin taking antirivals
24 hours before your appointment:
Exfoliate your lips (use sugar scrub)
Drink LOTS of water (I'm not kidding, chug that water!)
Day of your appointment:
GENTLY exfoliate your lips
No excessive caffeine (try to limit your caffeine on the day of as too much can cause bleeding, swelling, and increased sensitivity)
Eat before your appointment
Do not work out before or after your appointment (can cause increased bleeding & swelling)
A few notes about your appointment:
Please do not bring guests/children
Feel free to bring headphones if you would like to listen to something, when doing lips I usually put in my headphones and listen to a podcast/audiobook
For 2 weeks before your appointment:
No tanning/sun exposure
For 1 week before your appointment:
Exfoliate & moisturize the area to be tattooed daily
For 48 hours before your appointment:
NO alcohol (thins the blood which can lead to bruising or excessive bleeding)
No Aspirin or Ibuprofen (unless you take a daily dose as prescribed by a doctor)